
Lawrence Tong
International Director
Lawrence Tong, from Singapore, is OM’s International Director, cultivating the vision and providing guidance to the Global Leadership Team. He studied Communications and has a master’s degree in Business Administration. He loves seeing individuals living abundantly for God. He started serving with OM in 1978 when he joined Doulos and met his wife, Susan. He spent five years each on OM’s ships, Logos, Logos II and Doulos: worked in the Ship’s head office in Mosbach and served as the director for OM in China and Taiwan. His excitement to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers within walking distance of everyone on earth is what propels him into motion daily.
We are on a mission to bring the gospel to the farthest corners of the world, fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation. There is no place too far, no task too difficult, and no human we won’t try to reach.Lawrence TongInternational Director