Training National Believers to Grow Communities in South Asia

In a Hindu village in South Asia, a man told the OM team: “I realize that God is true; and I want to believe in Him.” He then practised sharing his faith story, and God’s love, with his own family and others in his community.

This man is one of many who has encountered a team of national and international believers, who live for up to a year in remote areas in South Asia. These remote areas are home to some of the most least-reached people in the world, through geography, a lack of education and development, and government restrictions. 

The teams disciple individuals and introduce others to Jesus using Bible stories, and other topics related to social issues affecting the community, like hygiene. Tess*, a national OM worker explains: "Coronavirus fears have made many more people willing to listen to Bible stories. They want to know about the God who is in control.”

Padma*, a young Christian woman, met a team discipling new believers in her area. By joining in, she discovered that she could also share her faith with her own community. Her discovery has brought life to her village church, and new-found faith.

Since 2016, OM has trained more than 325 national workers in this region to make disciples. The aim is not to grow more ‘staff’ but to enable these enthusiastic volunteers to remain in their fellowships and churches. However, the national church does not have the finance to support even their basic living costs.

*Names changed



There is a critical need for $178,000 (£130,000) which covers the annual allowances or wages for 177 full time workers for one year. $120 (£90) would support a disciple maker for one month; or $1500 (£1000) for one year), covering food, accommodation, transport, living and administrative costs.

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