Παπούα Νέα Γουινέα
OM in Papua New Guinea is an international interdenominational Christian organisation. We are committed to working with churches and likeminded organisations to see lives and communities transformed, as we proclaim and demonstrate the gospel message of Jesus.
OM in PNG was started with Papua New Guineans because of missionary exposure through OM internationally in India, Pakistan, and OM's first ships Logos and Doulos.
In 1990, after 11 years of missionary burden sparked by the first visit of the Logos in 1979, there was a growing awareness and interest among the Christian churches in PNG to reach the unreached.
Our Mission
We want to see vibrate communities of Jesus followers amongst the least reached.
We aim to:
- Mobilise Boldy. Because over 3 billion people are still least reached.
- Engage Deeply. When we go, we will serve those who are affected and afflicted. We are called also to demonstrate the gospel through practical means.
- Sow Broadly. We will use every possible means to spread the gospel message.
- Disciple purposefully. We are not only called to evangelism. We will go deeper by making disciples.
Our ministries
Mission Training - Every year we run missionary training program for new recruits for who are called to go as missionaries in PNG or cross culturally. The course is a month long and covers topics like Introduction to world religions, cultural intelligence, food, language, and OM values and ethos for people who want to join OM overseas.
Mobilisation - We actively engage in Mobilizing the church and Christians to participate in the mission.
Relief and Development Projects – We are actively involved in helping to alleviate poverty and sufferings of those affected by natural and manmade disasters and other community development projects. In 2024 we assisted over 500 people in Mulitaka and over 500 people affected by ethnic conflict in Yangoru, East Sepik Province. We have also launched Lydia Project, which focus of supporting widows start their micro projects to support themselves and their families.
The office is run by a team of five people. We have a very small team and are praying for more locals to join the office to serve the ever-growing interest of PNGers going on the mission field. For more information please contact info.pg@om.org
OM in Papua New Guinea is registered in Papua New Guinea, IPA Reg number 1-54807.