
Our vision for the Caribbean and its believers is for them to: Go, Pray, Give, and Grow.

In the Bahamas, believers are catching a vision for short-term missions trips. Over the last few years, around 100 people have participated with OM on short-term missions trips, evidence that God is calling more and more people to join in making Him known. Short-term trips provide a well-traveled avenue for people to gain a greater understanding of missions and guide them into longer commitments in missions.

Despite experiencing the devastation from local hurricanes in 2015, our hope is that more than 50 people will join short-term trips in 2016. This year, the Bahamas OM Working Group is encouraging Bahamians to partcipate in short-term trips to TRANSFORM in Spain, to the Olympics in Brazil and to visit one of OM's Bahamian missionaries in Ecuador.

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Our Stories

Writer working at a computer. Photo by Alex Coleman.
Not ready to retire, David joined OM. “I believe God has continuing purposes for our lives, including into our latter years,” David says.