Crewmembers stand behind their flags

5 reasons you should join our ships

What makes someone join a cause or movement? 
Most people would say that it’s shared ideals, a sense of belonging, or the desire to be part of a solution.  

All three of these motivations are true for the 25 crewmembers that have recently joined Doulos Hope. The Ships Ministry is a unique way to serve the Lord and others, bringing people together from around the world to share God’s love. 

Below, we’ve listed the five types of people that have started their journey on board. You may be surprised how much you can relate to them. 


1) You’re fulfilling a personal goal 
Caroline (Zimbabwe) in a fair


Many of our volunteers join Doulos Hope to become more mature spiritually and mentally. As it says in 2 Peter 3:18, we should “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” to bring Him glory.  

“I have been interested to [join this ministry] since I was 16 years old, especially when [one of the OM founders] visited us,” Luke (UK) shared. And Louisa (UK) added, “I’ve always wanted to travel [and see] new cultures, and I wanted to strengthen my personal faith. Doulos Hope combined these hopes.” 

Personal goals can also stem from being blessed by others before. For Caroline (Zimbabwe), joining Doulos Hope is her way of sharing what has been shared to her in the past. “Many years ago, we had Jesus followers [who shared] God’s love to Africa. That’s how [many] of us have grown to know Christ. Now, it’s my time to do the same for others. I want to showcase Christ in other nations…” she shared.  


2) You’re following God’s leading 
Josh (US) making recycled soap


Almost all crewmembers join Doulos Hope to follow God’s plan for them. Josh (US) shares: “I joined the ship to serve Christ and be where He wants me to be… I’m thankful for the like-minded Jesus followers that I can work and grow with every day,” he shared. 

Allison (US) also experienced the same prompting from God. She said, “I wasn’t sure what He wanted me to do. But I had a strong desire to travel and [share God’s love]. So, when I got connected with the Ship Ministry, it became clear that I was being led to Doulos Hope.”  

From the other side of the world, Vania (India) did the same. “Doulos Hope is a clear answer to my prayers,” she shared. “This is where He led me.”  


3) You’re continuing a legacy 
Geraldane (Philippines) participates in lifeboat drills


For a small group of people, joining the Ship Ministry is a part of their family legacy. These people grew up on board the ships while their parents were serving, and God opened the door for them to come back and volunteer as adults.  

“I want to live my life loving God and loving others. And on Doulos Hope, I can do both,” Geraldane (Philippines) shared. “Two decades after leaving Doulos as a five-year-old, I’m now on board serving as an adult. It’s a full circle moment!” she said.  

Sophia (Philippines) also comes from a similar background. “My parents used to serve on Doulos. [So] when God told me to do the same for Doulos Hope, of course, I said yes.” 


4) You’re seeking new adventures 
Aurelien (Switzerland) helps a kid with a craft


As God told Abraham to leave his homeland and serve Him in a different country (Genesis 12:1), many of our new crewmembers joined to serve God in new places. They were willing to leave their comfort zone in faith, trusting His guidance into the unknown. It’s also a way to immerse in new cultures and experience amazing things happening around the world.  

“I’m interested in Asian cultures and I love being on ships,” Esther (Switzerland) said. “[And] God opened the door for me to serve in several Asian countries [by] joining Doulos Hope.”  

And Aurélien (Switzerland) is using his gap year meaningfully. “I just finished high school and want to experience a different life. Above all, I want to know, glorify, and serve God deeply and practically,” he shared. 


5) You’re realising the value of hope 
Event participants smiling


Many of the crewmembers joined Doulos Hope because they see the value of sharing hope. It says in Romans 10:14, “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”  

These questions spoke deeply to Flor (Argentina) and Rahel (Germany). 

“After truly understanding Romans 10:14, I couldn’t sit back and do nothing,” Flor shared. “I have seen the grace and love of God in my life. How could I not serve Him? I joined Doulos Hope to share His love,” she shared. And Rahel added, “This is a special opportunity to learn with and from others… I’m excited to see God worshipped in different ways.” 


Join the movement 
Crewmembers stand on bow, waving flags


With over 100 crewmembers from over 30 different nationalities serving on board, Doulos Hope brings diverse individuals together for a united purpose. 

 “When God speaks, may His children stand before Him and serve!” said Tinsae (Ethiopia). “I came to Doulos Hope to share the love of God and show unity in serving Him. Thank You, God, for considering me faithful to serve You and giving me increasing grace,” he prayed.  



What’s your reason to join? 

Have you been thinking about joining? 
As a Jesus follower, YOU also have a vital part to play! Don't worry about your background, your experience, or your skillset. If God is inviting you to serve with the Ship Ministry, He will equip you with all you need. 

Just come as you are!

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