Taiwan known as Formosa Island meaning beautiful island. Taiwan has the highest number of temples per person of anywhere in the world. Politically and Religion freedom but spiritually closed.
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Brief History:
Over 90% of Taiwanese are adherents of a combination of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism; around 5% are adherents of Christianity, which includes Protestants, Catholics, Latter-day Saints and other, non-denominational, Christian groups; , and about 2.5% are adherents of other religions, such as Islam etc. Hakka speakers are about 12% of the population, but less than 1% are Christians.
OM started the work in Taiwan after Logos and Doulos visited several time from 1973. In 1996, OM Taiwan located at Taichung. In 2003, we moved office to Taipei. OM Taiwan have been long time under small team to mobilise Taiwanese Christian into world missions. In 2009, we have developed stronger team in home office and re-register OM Taiwan as local missions association in Dec 2011. 2012 OM Taiwan also develop local community outreach among Hakka people whom are the unreached people group in Taiwan.
What we do?:
Outreach - Community Transformation Ministries outreach among the Hakka people group.
Mobilisation- Mobilising churches through promoting short term missions, long term opportunities, creating missions awareness and educations.
Training and discipleship cross-cultural - To equip the Taiwanese Christian from mono cultural into world missions. www.om.org.tw/stepout
How you can get involved:
PRAY: http://www.om.org.tw/pray_OMTaiwan
GIVE: http://www.om.org.tw/give
GO: go short term http://www.om.org/en/short-term-mission-trips/by-country/tw#taiwan
go longer term http://www.om.org/en/mission-jobs/by-area/asia#taiwan
CONTACT INFO: info.tw@om.org or alternatively, visit our website at www.om.org.tw.
More info about Taiwan:
- Population -- 23.4 million
- State of economy -- Taiwan's rapid economic growth in the decades after World War II has transformed it into an advanced economy, and it is known as one of the 'Four Asian Tigers.' This economic rise is referred to as the 'Taiwan Miracle.'
Taiwanese companies manufacture a large portion of the world's consumer electronics, although most of them are made in their factories in mainland China.
- Religious make up -- 93% of Taiwanese are adherents of a combination of the polytheistic ancient Chinese religion, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism; 4.5% are adherents of Christianity, which includes Protestants, Catholics, and other, non-denominational, Christian groups; and less than 2.5% are adherents of other religions.Taiwanese aborigines comprise a notable subgroup among professing Christians: "...over 64% identify as Christian... Church buildings are the most obvious markers of Aboriginal villages, distinguishing them from Taiwanese or Hakka villages."
Confucianism is a philosophy that deals with secular moral ethics, and serves as the foundation of both Chinese and Taiwanese culture. The majority of Taiwanese people usually combine the secular moral teachings of Confucianism with whatever religions they are affiliated with.
As of 2009, there were 14,993 temples in Taiwan, approximately one place of worship per 1,500 residents. 9,202 of those temples were dedicated to Taoism. In 2008, Taiwan had 3,262 Churches, an increase of 145
- Personality of the culture/people --over 95% of the population is Han Chinese, of which the majority includes descendants of early Han Chinese immigrants who arrived in Taiwan in large numbers starting in the 17th century. Alternatively, the ethnic groups of Taiwan may be roughly divided among the "Taiwanese" (84%, including Hakka), mainland Chinese (14%), and indigenous peoples (2%
- Spiritual needs -- Ministry in Taiwan is difficult and fruit is hard won. It has been said that Taiwan has more temples per person than any other place in the world. It is an island soaking in an atmosphere of idolatry and superstition. Taiwan is politically open but spiritually closed.