Street art in North Africa.

Step into MENA

Step into MENA is unique because it does not require a long-term commitment to discover what life is like as a long-term worker in the MENA region.

Lucas* and Adelie* moved to a city in the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) without any known believers. As they lived and shared their faith in the city, they began to form relationships with local people through a common interest in the arts and music. The couple desired to see more young believers come to their country to connect spiritually with the young people they met who were eager to gather and explore their artistic interests. At the same time, they noticed less and less interest from Jesus followers around the world to live and share their faith in MENA. They realised they needed to start thinking differently about how people can share about Jesus cross-culturally, especially in this region. Through this, Step into MENA was born.  

Step into MENA is a 16-week trial programme for anyone interested in living or working with Arabic-speaking people in the MENA region or within the diaspora. Similar to OM's REACH programme, there is no requirement to join permanently or move to MENA at the end of the 16 weeks. Instead, the programme is an opportunity for participants to learn how to share their faith with their Muslim neighbours, how to apply OM's principles of establishing vibrant communities of Jesus followers and gain an understanding of Arab culture. Step into MENA is a practical programme where participants can live, work, shop, worship and share life with others in the MENA region. Step into MENA is an opportunity for those passionate about Arabic-speaking Muslims to share the gospel and see if the MENA area is a good fit with no long-term pressure.  

Step into MENA consists of one week of online training before entering the country, 12 weeks in-country and a three-week practical placement either in one's home country with the diaspora or in the MENA region. The programme's first month is very practical, including training and orientation while living in a rented apartment. Participants learn to use public transport, shop for groceries and begin learning the local dialect of Arabic. In the second month, participants travel beyond the city where they live, in order to learn about the country’s wider culture and share their faith in other contexts. In the final month, they continue to live and minister in MENA while also meeting with different fields in MENA virtually to learn about regional opportunities and needs.  

Step into MENA is also considered an onboarding programme, where those who want to stay in MENA afterwards to live and share their faith have received initial orientation and training. The programme has run for two years and has grown from four participants in the first year to 14 in the second year. In 2025, eight spots are available for participants who are genuinely interested in the MENA region and sharing Jesus with Arabic speakers. 

Lucas and Adelie have been encouraged by the success of Step into MENA. So far, seven people have joined the team's mentoring programme and three others are considering moving to MENA. Others are pursuing further studies while engaging with the diaspora and considering moving to the MENA region in the future. Aside from the growing number of workers in the MENA region, Lucas and Adelie have seen other fruits from Step into MENA.

A young man living near the team accommodation became friends with a few participants through the arts that Lucas and Adelie are involved in. He started to ask deep questions about the believers’ faith and read the Bible with them. 

Adelie says, “In this culture, we are expected to seek God in our middle age, but for [young people] to see young people living a holy lifestyle and seeking God is totally different. It has been really beautiful to see the relationships developed.”  

So far, Step into MENA has consisted of married couples and singles, aged 19 through to mid-30s. There have been participants fresh out of Bible school and those with previous experience working and living in MENA. The programme has seen many spiritual successes quickly and is an excellent opportunity for anyone with a heart for Arabic speakers or Muslims to see what life is truly like in MENA.

*name changed

If you, or anyone you know, are interested in applying for the 2025 Step into MENA, please visit As spaces are limited, please submit your application as soon as possible.    

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