
In addition to operating an office which recruits, trains and supports missionaries, OM Philippines is actively involved in evangelistic campaigns and training throughout the nation. For more information please contact info.ph@om.org.


Transforming lives and communities

Ministry opportunities in the Philippines

OM Philippines started in the 1970s mainly as a sending office. Today, we serve as a Home Office and are involved in mercy ministries among children and deprived sectors of society. 

Our vision is to see Christ-centred lives and communities reproducing and becoming catalysts of transformation.

OM Philippines works in partnership with churches and organizations, both globally and locally, toward transforming lives and communities through evangelism and discipleship, mission mobilization, cross-cultural training and community help among the unreached and marginalized.

Our programmes:

  • Student ministry: This is in partnership with the University Baptist Church, a church with a student center with weekly programmes for evangelism, prayer and counselling.
  • Urban poor ministry:
    • Adults: Bible studies for the adults in our children outreach communities.
    • Youth: Weekly Bible Studies and fellowship programmes are done for the youth both from our various outreaches in the communities and churches.
    • Children: Weekly outreach in their communities, weekly feeding programme in our center, and annual programmes (eg. distribution of school supplies, Christmas parties, sportsfeasts, etc.)
  • Education:
    • ALS (Alternative Learning System):  A government programme for out of school youth to help them catch up and continue in their education.  OM Philippines facilitate the implementation of the programmes in a holistic manner integrated in our ministry called, “Path of Life Ministries”.  Currently, this ministry is in Cebu, Manila and Palawan with plans for expansions in other ministry locations.
    • Scholarship programme: We help deserving but underprivileged children and youth finish their schooling.  We do not only provide financial and educational help but we also provide them social and spiritual guidance. 
  • Sports ministry: A weekly basketball game with the youth from our partner church in Taytay and its surrounding community.
  • Muslim ministry: A new ministry reaching out to a seaside community of a mixed group of Muslim tribes in southern Philippines.
  •  Community Development: Working among under-privileged and tribal communities to organize the people for capacity building and sustainable livelihood, especially following a major disaster or social events.
  • Relief and Development: Being in a country that it frequently hit by natural disasters, we are committed to helping affected communities to rebuild their lives by building them transitional housing, providing training and post disaster care.
  • Missions Mobilisation:  We run an annual cross-cultural missions training and exposure open to local and foreign participants.  We also conduct Mission’s training such as Kairos, Harvest Connection and Higher Purpose for our foreign workers and to individuals, churches and other organizations.


How you can get involved:

  • PRAY
    • Pray for wisdom and guidance as there is so much need and not enough manpower or finances.
    • Pray for stronger partnerships with local churches.
    • Pray for guidance for successful and fruitful projects.
    • Pray for more skilled workers to fill in our vacant positions. 
  • GIVE — Give here (http://www.om.org/en/give) to help support the work of OM in the Philippines.
  • GO — See the job opportunities listed at http://www.om.org/en/opportunities. Contact us at: info.ph@om.org. Please join us to help fulfill the Great Commission.

More information about Philippines (text box)

  • Population: 100 million (2014 estimate)
  • Official language: Pilipino or Tagalog and English
  • Religious make-up: 81% Roman Catholic, 6% Islam, 2.7% Evangelical, 1.2% Protestant, 0.1% Agnostics/Atheist, 9% others
  • State of the church: The Evangelical church population has increased over the years but the country has yet to see the influence of the Evangelical Christians in society.  The question is why.  Dr. Punzalan, the deputy director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches says that from our Evangelical churches today:
    • 86% do not have enough resources, organizational sustainability, or community impact
    • 13% are healthy having the capacity to engage in impact-driven ministry
    • 1% have more capacity for impact to transform the nation and engage in international missions.

Our Stories

Janet (Philippines) shares the love of Christ in a community in the southern Philippines. She runs a regular Discovery Bible study group with three women. Photo by RJ Rempel.
A DBS group in the Philippines is helping women grow in their faith and learn more about the God who loves them best.