Share God’s love with the people of this vibrant, lively ethnically diverse nation in 21st century Ecuador. Engage with youth through social media, encourage cross-cultural networking, and motivate participation in what God is doing globally.
Share God’s love with the people of this vibrant, lively ethnically diverse nation in 21st century Ecuador. Engage with youth through social media, encourage cross-cultural networking, and motivate participation in what God is doing globally.
Sharing the love of God practically
Ecuador’s 17 million people are eager to benefit from increasing, albeit tentative, national stability. Earthquakes, floods and volcanic activity, together with high poverty and income inequality, combine to challenge the country’s economy. Its natural resources of petroleum, fish, timber, and hydropower bring neighbouring refugees seeking jobs and a better life. Equally, many Ecuadorians seek professional employment overseas – taking their skills and values with them into the international workplace.
By training future professionals to live out God’s love in their workplace, wherever that might be, or sharing God’s love with young people, there are many opportunities in Ecuador for everyone’s future, both nationally and globally.
“Many people have heard of God,” said a team member, “But they often have no idea they can have a relationship with Jesus. The under 25s have huge economic challenges in today’s world. By supporting them in life choices and values through the difficulties, they discover God’s reliability.”
Jesus followers in Ecuador
Officially, there is religious freedom in this country. Official figures state that 93 per cent of the population are Christian. 36 different people groups are represented in Ecuador, with thousands yet to hear of God’s love for the first time. Catholicism has a big influence on government and society. Many international groups work alongside national believers, both in the cities and rural areas.
Come to the coastal town of Guayaquil, teeming with its population of three million, much of it made up by young people and share the love of God - by talking - even in basic Spanish! 64 per cent of the nation are urban dwellers, where international workers can live alongside national Jesus followers, building, inspiring and motivating others, through sharing their personal journey of faith.
Whether you come for a long, or short time, or whether you pray, or invest in lives through financial support, there are many ways for you to share God’s love with the people in Ecuador.