Using Media to share the gospel

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We equip local ministries around the globe with relevant print and digital media that helps them share the gospel and strengthen believers in their communities.

Media is very powerful. We need to learn how to use it well and equip ministries to release that potential in their situation.

-David, MediaWorks leader

Media Strategy

Start a Conversation

How can we use media to start a conversation and encourage a response? MediaWorks not only seeks to equip ministries with print and digital media, but also help them maximise its impact among those they seek to reach. 


Media Creation

Strengthen Jesus followers

How can we create media for specific people groups to match their culture and resonate with their heart? MediaWorks supports ministries with creating resources that help to share the gospel and strengthen believers, especially among least reached people groups.

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Media Distribution

Spread Hope

How can we get life-changing messages into the hands of those we are connecting with? MediaWorks can support you with ideas of how best to share it and which channels to use.

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With your help, we can bring hope to communities around the world

"It's special to be working in a team of creatives and bounce ideas off each other," said graphic designer Erin. "It's great to know that the products are going all around the world to people who need to hear about Jesus."
Are you a graphic designer with a desire to share the gospel through media?

Give thanks that God’s Word is being made accessible to people who have few Christian resources in their language and praise God for positive responses to media resources.

Please pray for wisdom and inspiration for the team based in Austria and those working remotely as they offer training, design resources and provide distribution solutions. Pray for MediaWorks partners and local believers as they work on translations.

We want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached

MediaWorks is part of Operation Mobilisation (OM), an international organisation with over 3000 workers, representing around 100 nationalities, serving in over 100 countries to bring God's truth to millions every year.

About OM